WOOP goal-setting technique
The WOOP method is a four-part goal-setting technique developed by New York University Professor Gabriele Oettingen. It is a simple acronym that can keep you on track and stands for Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan.
1. Wish
The first step is the searching process. What is it you really want? When you have a specific goal, it forces you to figure out how you're going to do it. And it's figuring out how you're going to do it that leads to better performance.
2. Outcome
Once you have a clear idea of your goal, ask yourself what would be the best outcome if you achieved your goal? Really picture it in your mind with all your five senses.
3. Obstacle
What stands in the way? What are the obstacles you might encounter? It can even be an emotion or irrational belief you need to overcome. Once you have all of the challenges clearly defined, now it's time to make a plan. People tend to jump from defining their goal to envisioning their desired outcome without considering what obstacles could stand in their way. However, by thinking about this critical step, you will set yourself up for greater success through the process of switching gears and getting practical.
4. Plan
You know what you want, and what amazing things will happen when you reach your goal, and what might get in the way. It's time to form an "if-then plan" to keep you on track. If X happens, then I will do Y. Y is the specific action you will take whenever X occurs. If-then plans require less willpower because you determine situations that might occur and redirect your behavior in advance. This automatic system will make it easier to catch yourself and make a quick shift when you are about to let an obstacle get in the way of reaching your goal.
Examples of If-Then Plans:
IF it's 6:30 p.m. and I have to prepare for an exam, THEN I will do practice problems for 30 minutes.
IF I get disappointing feedback, THEN I will immediately say something nice to myself and start working on a new strategy.
IF I reach for my phone to look at social media when I should be working, THEN I will take a quick walk and return to the task at hand.
IF I start to feel overwhelmed or frustrated, THEN I will take three deep breaths and relax before I continue.
Using a simple technique like WOOP will help you stay on track and set you up for greater success!