Life Coach for Teens and Young Adults

A Transformative Program Designed to Engage and Inspire



Welcome to Coach Farrah's transformative 6-week hybrid program, inspired by the prestigious Creativity in Business (CIB) course at Stanford University. Designed specifically for teens and young adults, this program will guide you on a journey of self-discovery, igniting your creativity, and unlocking your limitless potential.

As your dedicated coach, Farrah utilizes practical tools, systems, and techniques to empower you throughout the program. With her guidance, you will gain a profound understanding of yourself, embracing your true capabilities, and overcoming fear and adversity. Farrah is committed to helping you develop essential life skills that are crucial for your academic and professional success.

Farrah firmly believes that you possess inherent potential to achieve your goals and dreams. Sometimes, all you need is a mentor who can help you recognize and embrace this truth. Farrah's unwavering commitment is to support you in developing the necessary skills, mindset, and strategies to navigate life with purpose and make meaningful contributions to your own life and the world around you.

The benefits of this program include:

  • Fostering Self Empowerment by cultivating self-efficacy—a strong belief in oneself and one's abilities—as a foundation for unlocking personal potential and achieving success.

  • Nurturing Healthy Relationships by empowering individuals to cultivate more fulfilling connections with friends, family, and peers through enhanced communication skills.

  • Harnessing Emotional Intelligence by strengthening self-regulation skills to effectively manage emotions and impulses, enabling thoughtful decision-making.

  • Enhancing Productivity by equipping individuals with techniques to optimize time management and achieve their goals with efficiency and focus.

  • Promoting Mindfulness by providing individuals with effective stress management strategies to enable greater performance, strength, and wellbeing.

  • Developing Resilience by equipping individuals with the tools and mindset to navigate obstacles and adversities, fostering resilience in overcoming life's challenges.

By the end of the program, each student will have gained a deeper understanding of who they are and feel empowered to pursue their aspirations with confidence and resilience.



“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”

~ Theodore Roosevelt




Don’t try to be perfect. Just try to be better than you were yesterday.
