Life Coach for Teens and Young Adults


 To make a long story short(er).


As a teenager, I was an average student, which significantly impacted my confidence and motivation. I had a fixed mindset regarding my ability to grow and learn new things, so I didn't push myself to improve. That was until a special teacher gave me the gift of a growth mindset. She helped me understand I had infinite potential if I applied myself. She had such a profound impact on my life, it is now my mission to teach teens and young adults they too can accomplish anything with hard work and the right mindset.


"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

~ Winnie the Pooh


“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

~ Winston Churchill


For most of my life, people doubted my abilities. Thanks to my teacher in high school, I did not let their opinions stop me from pursuing my goals. My dream was to go to UCLA because their Psychology program was one of the best in the nation. I was incredibly disappointed when I received the dreaded “we regret to inform you” letter, but I did not let that deter me. I took a few classes at a local community college, added more A’s to my record, and applied again. Not only was I accepted, but I was offered early admission. By ignoring the naysayers and recognizing that ‘failure’ and rejection are simply part of the journey to success, I cultivated the mindset for resilience and made my dream come true.


When I was presented with my first significant executive role, I was overwhelmed by a sense of inadequacy due to my limited business experience. The prospect of navigating a professional setting of that caliber felt immensely intimidating. However, it was during this moment of uncertainty that my mother imparted a powerful insight: "If you are scared, it's probably worth doing."

The opportunities that elicit fear are often the ones that hold the greatest potential for personal growth. By embracing these intimidating challenges, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and push the boundaries of our capabilities, discovering that we are capable of far more than we initially believed.


“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”

~ Jack Canfield


While I successfully climbed the corporate ladder and attained a fancy title accompanied by an impressive paycheck, I came to the realization that my career lacked alignment with my core values and aspirations. Though my life appeared ideal from an external perspective, internally, I grappled with a deep sense of unhappiness. It became clear that monetary rewards and prestigious titles were insufficient to compensate for the absence of true fulfillment in my professional life. To find genuine happiness, it is essential to seek a career that aligns with our values, regardless of external indicators of success.


If you are not being authentic and true to yourself where you work, you will not be happy.

Money and titles don’t amount to happiness.


When I heard this quote by Sr. Winston Churchill, it had a profound impact on my life.

“To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.”

I was disappointed in myself because I knew I was not “preparing for my moment” to make a difference in the world. I had always wanted to help kids or animals. It was a pivotal moment of realization, where I understood that dedicating myself to service was the key to unlocking my potential and living a meaningful and happy life.


 Stay true to your “Why” but be open to “What” and “How.”


When I made the decision to transition into the non-profit sector, I encountered a significant hurdle: prospective employers were uninterested in interviewing me due to my lack of relevant experience. As I pursued opportunities to work with land animals, my options seemed to diminish. However, a turning point came when I stumbled upon the show "Whale Wars" on Animal Planet.

Although marine life had never been on my radar, I was captivated by the dedication and principles of the Sea Shepherd captains and crew. Inspired by their mission, I set my sights on joining their ranks. It took a year of perseverance, but eventually, I secured a position with Sea Shepherd.

I stayed true to my “Why” (helping animals), but I was flexible with the “What” (marine wildlife) and open to the “How” (an ocean conservation organization), and it landed me at my dream job!

I wholeheartedly encourage others to embrace this principle on their own path to success. By remaining open and flexible, while remaining grounded in your core purpose and intentions, you will find yourself precisely where you are meant to be.


 Never give up on your dreams, even if they don’t happen on your timeline.


After graduating from UCLA in 2001 with a degree in Psychology, it took until 2019 for me to finally launch my coaching business geared towards helping teens and young adults. It was a lengthy journey to reach this point in my career, but I believe it happened at the perfect timing. Today, I not only possess the necessary credentials but also invaluable life experiences that allow me to genuinely connect with and inspire the younger generation.

Leveraging my personal struggles and triumphs, I aim to convey the message that regardless of one's identity, background, or the challenges they face, they have the ability to accomplish extraordinary things. I firmly believe that each individual harbors the potential for greatness, and it can be harnessed through cultivating the right mindset, identifying clear directions, and maintaining unwavering determination to pursue their goals.


One of the most impactful speeches that has deeply resonated with me is Steve Jobs' address at Stanford University. It centers around the notion of connecting the dots in one's life.

When I reflect on my own journey and the various setbacks, failures, and rejections I encountered along the way, it becomes clear that each experience played a crucial role in shaping who I am today. Every triumph and hardship has contributed to my growth and development. Fortunately, I have acquired invaluable tools and life skills throughout my path, which I am now able to share with my coaching clients.

My ultimate objective is to empower teenagers by helping them recognize their infinite potential from an early stage in life. By equipping them with the necessary resources and guidance, I strive to cultivate their confidence, resilience, and purpose, setting them on a trajectory towards becoming accomplished and self-assured adults.