Embrace some discomfort

Getting yourself more and more comfortable with being uncomfortable is a big key to finding greater success and happiness.

If everything made us comfortable, we’d never move. We would never work hard or try to push boundaries. Some of the best moments in your life will be when you seek discomfort and put yourself in a position to try new things.

A good way to start with this is by accepting opportunities that come your way and actively seeking those opportunities that push you to grow and improve.

Whether it’s related to high school, work, college, making friends, or trying new hobbies, it can be uncomfortable at first, but that is ok. Trust that your discomfort is a sign you are going to the next level in your life personally, academically, and professionally, which is the only way to reach your highest potential. 

“You can choose courage, or you can choose comfort. You cannot have both.” -Brene Brown

Farrah Smith